Department of River Runoff and Water Problems

The department is known for his fundamental theoretical and experimental studies of runoff formation, water resources and water balance for the territory of the former USSR and the globe.

Main activities are:

  • Developing methods for calculating river runoff under different conditions: in cases of sufficient observational data and lack or failure of such data.
  • Developing regulations for calculating the main hydrological characteristics for construction design.
  • Developing methods for assessing and forecasting the anthropogenic impact and changes in the climate system on water resources and hydrological mode, and studying modern and future changes in runoff of the largest country rivers, inflow to the seas and inland water reservoirs under the influence of these factors.
  • Assessing the possible effects of climate change on water resources and the hydrological regime of the major river basins and related regions, and developing recommendations on adaptation measures to meet the future needs for water for the population and different sectors of the national economy.
  • Providing hydrological justification for large-scale water management arrangements.
  • Providing hydrological justification for plans for the complex use and protection of water bodies and standards of permissible impact on water bodies.
  • Defining river flood zones and developing recommendations on preparing and implementing flood protection measures, protection of inhabited localities and economic facilities.
  • Studying the processes of runoff transformation in a river's lower reach and delta under the influence of natural and anthropogenic impact using space images and GIS-technology.